Resistance Running Drills to Boost Speed

Imagine sprinting through molasses or conquering invisible hills—welcome to the world of resistance running. It may seem counterintuitive to 'push harder' instead of 'go quicker', but the benefits are nothing short of astonishing.

You see, this isn't just about breaking a sweat. This is training on steroids without the actual steroids! With drills such as resisted sprints and runs, starts and accelerations - even turns!

Resistance running helps athletes build strength, power, speed while reducing injury risk. It tweaks their biomechanics and technique until they become more efficient runners. Intrigued yet?

In this post, we're diving into all things resistance-running – from its many perks to specific drill types that could revolutionize your workout routine forever.

Table Of Contents:

Introduction to Resistance Running

If you've ever dreamed of dashing like a gazelle or bounding like a kangaroo, resistance running is your ticket. It's not about being an animal but channeling their raw power and speed.

This form of training adds external resistance, ramping up the intensity of traditional runs. Imagine having super strength during your morning jog; that's what it feels like.

With resistance running, we're aiming for more than just speed. We want agility and power too, transforming runners into well-rounded athletes.

Ever dreamt of channeling the speed and power of a cheetah on your morning run? Resistance running ramps up intensity, transforming you into an all-round athlete. #FitLife ‍️ Click to Tweet

Benefits of Resistance Running

Ever wonder how to level up your athletic game? Say hello to resistance running. It's like the secret sauce that gives athletes an edge on their competition.

This type of training is all about developing raw power and speed, but there's more. With improved biomechanics and technique, you'll be a more efficient runner too. Imagine gliding across the finish line with ease while others huff and puff behind.

And guess what? You're also reducing injury risk by strengthening those muscles. Think less time nursing sprains or strains, and more time chasing personal records.

Studies show, resistance running can even enhance endurance capacity – just another perk in its impressive roster.

Looking to power up your athletic game? Try resistance running. It boosts speed, improves technique, strengthens muscles and even ups endurance. No more huffing at the finish line. #RunningTips Click to Tweet

Types of Resistance Running Drills

If you're an athlete aiming to amp up your game, resistance running drills are the way to go. They offer a range of benefits, including improving your running form & sprint speed, and come in various types, each with its own unique advantage.

Resisted Sprints

If you're aiming to amp up your speed, resisted sprints are the ticket. Imagine strapping on a weighted sled or parachute and then sprinting full force. This not only tests your mettle but also helps build leg strength and power.

The extra weight gives your muscles an intense workout, improving acceleration while working on top-end speed. But don't just take our word for it; studies have shown that resistance training enhances running performance.

Persisting with this drill will pay off, and you may even come to enjoy the challenge. You might even find yourself loving the challenge.

A few other types of resisted sprint drills include sand sprints, vest sprints, band sprints, and hill sprints.

Resisted Runs

If you're looking to build strength and endurance, resisted runs are the way to go. Picture yourself running with a weighted vest or harness - it's like carrying your own personal hill everywhere.

The beauty of this drill is that it challenges both your legs and cardiovascular system simultaneously. Adding extra weight while running can push your muscles and heart rate to the max, giving you a comprehensive workout.

Plus, they’re great for improving running economy. When we add resistance during runs, our bodies learn how to use energy efficiently – making us better runners in the long run (pun intended). So strap on that weighted gear and hit the track - your future self will thank you.

Resisted Starts

Picture yourself as a race car at the starting line, revving up and ready for that green light.

You start from a stationary position with an external force pulling back on you - think weighted sled or parachute attached to your body. The aim? To push off hard against this resistance, engaging those leg muscles in a big way.

The beauty of resisted starts is not just about building muscle strength though. They also help improve reaction time and acceleration ability according to research. So next time you want more 'vroom' in your run game, give resisted starts a shot - you'll feel like Usain Bolt taking off at lightning speed.

Resisted Accelerations

Imagine yourself as a sprinter. You're at the starting line, heart pounding and muscles tensed, ready to explode into action. This is where resisted accelerations come in.

This drill starts with you stationary - just like that sprinter waiting for the gun. But there's a twist: you've got an external force strapped to your body (think weighted sled or parachute). The aim is to build explosive power in those leg muscles while cranking up your acceleration skills and top-end speed.

However, this isn't just a race to the finish; it's about increasing your power, speed and efficiency through these drills. It's about how much more powerful, faster, and efficient you become over time thanks to these drills. 

So strap on that resistance gear and get ready to feel the burn during your strength training.

Resisted Turns

Resisted turns are a game changer for athletes looking to enhance their agility. Imagine being on the field, your opponent makes a quick turn and bam. You're left in the dust because you couldn't match that pace.

No more of that with resisted turns training. This exercise involves making swift changes in direction while an external force, like a weighted sled or parachute, pulls against you. It's tough but remember - diamonds are made under pressure.

This drill not only amps up your reaction time but also improves coordination. The resistance forces your body to work harder during those rapid directional shifts, which can lead to improved balance and control on the field or court.

ArisPro for Resistance Running Drills

When it comes to resistance running drills, ArisPro is a game changer. This innovative training tool gives you the freedom to adjust resistance levels on-the-go, according to your personal needs and goals.

The magic lies in its adjustable straps. They attach around various body parts - be it waist, chest, arms or legs - based on where you need that extra push during drills. The straps link back to a central hub housing adjustable weights.

No more pausing mid-drill or removing equipment just to tweak settings. ArisPro lets you change weight loads swiftly without breaking your flow. 

If an exercise calls for more oomph than anticipated? No problem. Simply crank up the weight until it feels right.

This efficient system can drastically speed up progress in training sessions. It's perfect if quick results are what you're after.

Level up your speed training with ArisPro. Its adjustable straps and on-the-go weight adjustments give you a personalized, uninterrupted workout. No more mid-drill pauses, just swift progress. #FitnessGameChanger Click to Tweet

FAQs in Relation to Resistance Running

What is resistance running?

Resistance running is a training method that uses external forces, like parachutes or weighted sleds, to boost the intensity of your runs and drills.

Is resistance running beneficial for gaining speed?

Absolutely. Resistance running helps athletes gain strength, speed, power, and can also improve their biomechanics while reducing injury risks.

How can I be more resistant when running?

To up your game in resistance running, use equipment like ArisPro for specific drills. Adjust the weight based on what part of your body you're targeting.

What is a resistance sprint?

A resistance sprint involves racing against an external force - think weighted sleds or parachutes - to build leg strength and accelerate faster.

Resistance Running is the Answer

Resistance running? You've got this! It's all about power, speed, and reducing injury. And let's not forget the major technique boost.

You now know resisted sprints can amp up your acceleration while runs work on endurance. Resisted starts give that explosive kick-off you need in many sports. With accelerations enhancing your top-end speed, and turns honing agility and balance - it's a full package!

ArisPro is right there with you during each drill, letting you adjust resistance to match your needs seamlessly.

It may seem tough at first but remember – great things never come from comfort zones. Here’s to strength-filled sessions of resistance running!